PRANA INSTITUTE of ALLIED MEDICAL SCIENCES is a venture started by a team of very experienced and well known Educationalists and Medical Practitioners who have shown commitment to the noble cause of medical education. The back bone of the health care is the nursing and paramedical personnel. Their standards will determine the quality of care provided to the patients. With this in mind our institute was started in 2019 to bring high standards to nursing and paramedical education.
A look into the main stream of educational institutions across India has shown an imbalance with all leading institutions in the urban background. The cost of transport and accommodation apart from the fees makes this quality education unaffordable to many of the rural students who aspire for suchcourses. Also starting a health care education institute in rural area will also bring quality medical care to the rural public who are now devoid of standardized health care at par with the cities. With this background of educational scenario, our philanthropic team already dedicated to setting an unique standards of health care education decided to start the institute in the beautiful village of Eraivankadu to benefit the rural public.
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PRANA Group of Institutions.
Greetings to all!
I strongly feel that Good health is a prerequisite to human productivity and development process. For an economically viable society the foundation is a healthy community. It is our deepest desire to serve the society by properly moulding the healthcare workers of tomorrow. The healthcare paraphernalia is never complete without the support of the Allied medical science graduates - more so in the current scenario with the pandemic looming large.

PRANA Group of Institutions.
Greetings to all,
It gives me immense pleasure to connect with you all. Medical education is unique compared to all other fields. Dealing with human lives, creating a difference in them and being a part of their health is an opportunity only the It gives me immense pleasure to connect with you all. Medical education is unique compared to all other fields. Dealing with human lives, creating a difference in them and being a part of their health is an opportunity only the

PRANA Group of Institutions.
A Hearty welcome to all!
"Education is not an act of acquiring knowledge but learning skill to lead life and forming one's personality". Our

PRANA Group of Institutions.
A warm welcome to PIAMS!
Education is to train you to deal with specific challenges of life. As you embark on another exciting and enriching year, we offer you a wholesome experience of imbibing the right knowledge, attitude, skills and values in a disciplined and distinctive environment of educational excellence which ensures your personal excellence and global future!